By George Wiggans
A system similar to that for dairy cattle has been implemented to detect abnormally high test-day yields for dairy goats. For goats, a test-day milk yield of more than 12 pounds above expected yield causes an error record (code 7Ie) to be returned to the processing center. The expected yield is derived from the average of the two preceding and two following tests (as many as are available) after adjustment for lactation stage based on standard breed curves. Standard curves for the Experimental breed are used for breeds other than Alpine, LaMancha, Nubian, Oberhasli, Saanen, and Toggenburg. When an abnormally high test-day yield is detected, it is not used in checking later yields. When fewer than three tests are reported, the herd average divided by 270 is used with a weight of two tests; if no herd average is available, a value of 6.7 is assumed for the average, and the threshold is raised to 15 pounds.