AIPL Changes to Evaluation System - February 2001

Delayed release of Interbull files

By Duane Norman

The AIPL update to the Interbull files (Format 31 and updated Format 38) will be posted by 12:00 noon, barring any unforeseen difficulties, instead of at 10:00 a.m. on the Monday of release day. This will allow more time for AIPL to process and check information on bulls having daughters in other countries. This revised proposal means that on-line web queries will also be delayed up to two hours. However, there will be no deviation from the Friday release of domestic evaluations in encrypted form. The password for the encrypted file will continue to be made available Monday morning at 7:00 a.m. (local time).

Development of comparison tables

By Duane Norman

New compare tables are available for the Monday morning updates. These tables will compare the information provided by Interbull and the enhancements we make for the fitness traits (Somatic Cell Score, Productive Life, and three Merit Indexes) from the current run with those same variables from the previous run. The tables will help detect errors before the release.

Development of new email notification list

By Duane Norman

A new email system is available to any user who subscribes. The purpose of this new server list is twofold. First, it will notify all subscribers when the evaluation files have been posted. Second, if any errors are detected in the evaluations, this provides a mechanism to inform all signed-up parties so they become aware of the problem immediately.