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Comparison of December 2008 genomic and traditional evaluations for young bulls

7,326 Holstein bulls

Trait PTA Reliability (%)
Average Difference1
Genomic Traditional Average Standard deviation Genomic average Traditional average Difference1
Net merit ($) 384 418 −34 108 66 35 +31
Milk (pounds) 1,071 1,219 −148 462 70 38 +32
Fat (pounds) 44.9 51.7 −6.8 17.6 70 38 +32
Protein (pounds) 34.1 38.9 −4.8 12.0 70 38 +32
Productive life (months) 2.2 2.3 −0.1 1.4 60 30 +30
Somatic cell score 2.90 2.91 −0.01 0.12 66 33 +33
Daughter pregnancy rate (%) −0.3 −0.4 +0.1 0.9 59 30 +29
Final score 2.21 2.23 −0.02 0.55 66 37 +29
Sire calving ease 7.6 7.8 −0.2 1.0 66 40 +26
Daughter calving ease 6.9 7.1 −0.2 1.0 59 31 +28
   1Genomic minus traditional.

123 Jersey bulls

Trait PTA Reliability (%)
Average Difference1
Genomic Traditional Average Standard deviation Genomic average Traditional average Difference1
Net merit ($) 337 352 −15 82 55 34 +21
Milk (pounds) 954 965 −11 355 57 37 +20
Fat (pounds) 49.3 51.5 −2.2 13.3 57 37 +20
Protein (pounds) 36.0 37.3 −1.3 10.8 57 37 +20
Productive life (months) 2.1 2.1 0.0 0.9 48 28 +20
Somatic cell score 2.99 2.97 +0.02 0.08 53 32 +21
Daughter pregnancy rate (%) −0.3 −0.3 0.0 0.6 47 27 +20
Final score 1.31 1.37 −0.06 0.36 52 34 +18
   1Genomic minus traditional.

Last Modified: 01/12/2017