multiple-birth code, followed by
registry status definition, followed by
animal information mask code
80=Change in cow ID
40=Change in sire ID
20=Change in dam ID
10=Change in cow birthdate
08=Unspecified change in identification
SOURCE_CODE char(1) not null,
80=Donor dam
40=Verified unknown sire
20=Verified unknown dam
10=Estimated birth
08=Birth day is 0
02=Animal born
<= 426 days from dam
01=Animal born <= 426 days from sire
Test date (YYYYMMDD)
DHI Affiliate
Number of cows or does in milk
Milking Frequency
Number of milkings weighed
Number of milkings sampled
Milk recorded days. If greater than 1, then test-day yield is an average including this number of days.
M = MACE (from InterBull)
These 3 codes indicate whether information came from the authoritative pedigree source (country of first registration of the bull) for the bull, sire, and dam, respectively.
Y = information was supplied by the country of first registration
N =
inforamation was supplied by a source other than the country of first
X = information returned is a cross reference provided by a
source other than the country of first registration
Examples: | |
YYY | indicates that the bull's country ID is the source for the ID, and the sire and dam ID; or that a submitted ID has been replaced by a cross reference from an authoratative source |
NNN | indicates that the country providing the data is not the country of first registration; and no cross reference to an authoratative ID is available |
YYN | indicates the the country of first registration has not provided a dam ID, but this information was provide by another source |
YXY | indicates that the bull's country ID is the source for the ID, and the dam ID, but the sire ID has been replaced by a cross reference from a source other than the country of first registration |
Supervisor code
1 - Supervisor conducted test
2 - Owner
conducted test
3 - Both supervisor and owner conducted test
5 -
Supervisor conducted test using electronic recording
6 - Owner conducted
test using electronic recording
7 - Both supervisor and owner conducted
test using electronic recording
8 - Verification test not using electronic
9 - Verification test using electronic recording
% Milk Shipped
% Good ID
Last test date (yyyymmdd)
Date of file update (yyyymmdd)
Rolling herd average milk production (lbs)
Rolling herd average fat production (lbs)
Rolling herd average protein production (lbs)
Rolling herd average SCS
Rolling herd average age at calving (months)
Number of cows in AIPL database with testday information for this date
Birthdate (YYYYMMDD)
Registered name of animal
Short name of animal
Average number of lactations per daughter
Herd code
Format: first 2 digits are state, next 2 digits are county,
and final 4 digits are herd
Current herd code of herd with most daughters
Herd code format:
first 2 digits are state, next 2 digits are county, and final 4 digits are herd
Number of herds used in the evaluation
Number of daughters in that herd
Predicted Transmitting Ability
Number of daughters used in the evaluation
Average 305 ME yield across lactations
Average number of daughters per herd
Number of states used in the evaluation
Number of appraisals used in the evaluation
Average score of daughters
Control number
Kidding date (yr/mo/da)
Days in milk
MFP dollar for the animal
Percentile based on MFP$
Number of lactations used in the evaluation
Animal identification of progeny: breed (2 bytes), country (3 bytes), registration or eartag number (12 bytes)
Fresh date (yyyy/mm/dd)
Lactation number
Expected inbreeding of future progeny - One half the average relationship of this animal to a sample of 600 cows born 3 years ago. This value is an indication of the amount that progeny of this animal will contribute to inbreeding in the population if mated at random.
Appraisal date
Age at classification (months)
Appraiser number
Stage of lactation
Dairy form
Foot angle
Rear legs (side view)
Body depth
Rump angle
Thurl width
Fore udder attachment
Rear udder height
Rear udder width
Udder depth score
Suspensory ligament
Front teat placement
Teat length
Final score
Alternate final score (Jersey and Guernsey only)
Mask may be any combination of these values:
80 = record coded incomplete
40 = record is coded with previous days dry
20 = protein lactation information not useable
10 = crossbred animal
08 = lactation not useable
04 = somatic cell available
02 = no management group mates
01 = internal use by AIPL
Mask codes are interpreted by reading each digit segment individually.
The number or letter in the first digit of the code refers to a possible combination of codes 10 through 80. The number or letter in the second digit of the code refers to a possible combination of codes 01 through 08. When there is a combination of codes, the code numbers are added together (i.e. codes 04 and 02 would be written as 06). When the code combination added together is greater than 9, alphabetic letters are used (i.e. a = 10, b = 11, ..., f = 15).
Possible combinations of codes:
1 = code 1
2 = code 2
3 = code 2 and 1
4 = code 4
5 =
code 4 and 1
6 = code 4 and 2
7 = code 4 and 2 and 1
8 = code 8
9 = code 8 and 1
a = code 8 and 2
b = code 8 and 2 and 1
c = code 8
and 4
d = code 8 and 4 and 1
e = code 8 and 4 and 2
f = code 8 and
4 and 2 and 1
40 = code 40
82 = codes 80, 02
47 = codes 40, 04, 02, 01
= codes 40, 20, 08, 02, 01
a1 = codes 80, 20, 01
d4 = codes 80, 40, 10,
5c = codes 40, 10, 08, 04
ba = codes 80, 20, 10, 08, 02
ff =
codes 80, 40, 20, 10, 08, 04, 02, 01
Days open
Animal inbreeding coefficient (percent)
Average inbreeding of daughters
Expected inbreeding of future progeny - One half the average relationship of this animal to a sample of 600 cows born 3 years ago. This value is an indication of the amount that progeny of this animal will contribute to inbreeding in the population if mated at random.
Primary stud code of bull
NAAB for list
Percentage of daughters which are US cows
Percentage of records from Owner Sampler herds
Net Merit $ (NM$) for the bull
Reliability for Net Merit $
Net Merit percentile based on NM$
Average number of cows in managment group; averaged over lactations for cows and over daughters for bulls
Daughter Yield Deviation
Parent Average
Reliability of Parent Average
Predicted Transmitting Ability percent for fat
Predicted Transmitting Ability percent for protein
Average age weight of daughters for Productive Life evaluations
Current status of bull
Stud code of current controller
NAAB for list
Sampling status of bull
Stud code of original owner of the bull
NAAB for list
Date bull entered AI (YY/MM)
Interbull description
Animal identification.
Current calving date (mo/da/yr).
Status of record submitted to USDA
* = Change in pedigree
information after second test following entry into herd
N = All records not
usable, including first lactation records in progress with less than 40 days in
R = Record from last lactation is a record in progress
A = First
lactation record is from predominately unsupervised testing.
Component trait information: fat or protein.
Average mature equivalent milk (lb. 305 DIM, 2 Times a day milking).
Average mature equivalent fat or protein (lb. 305 DIM, 2 Times a day milking).
Average number of cows in managment group; averaged over lactations for cows and over daughters for bulls.
Yield deviation for milk. These values are weighted averages across the lactations of a cow for difference between her milk or component yield and estimates of effects of her management group, herd-by-sire interaction, and permanent environment.
Yield deviation for components. These values are weighted averages across the lactations of a cow for difference between her milk or component yield and estimates of effects of her management group, herd-by-sire interaction, and permanent environment.
Weight of daughter's contribution to sire's evaluation:
Daughter's dam evaluated
0.7 Daughter's dam unknown or not evaluated
0.0 Record unusable
Contribution of individual daughter to sire's evaluation for milk. This value is calculated as twice the PTA of daughter minus PTA of mate (dam of daughter).
Contribution of individual daughter to sire's evaluation for components. This value is calculated as twice the PTA of daughter minus PTA of mate (dam of daughter).
Predicted transmitting ability for milk
Predicted transmitting ability for components
R = Reject
C = Change
N = Notify
The Goodness of Fit (GoF) statistic is based on the log of a likelihood ratio test and is divided by 2×(herd size) to make it size neutral. This adjusted GoF value ranges from about 2.2 to 0.2. About 1% of the herd years (GoF < 1) are flagged with a *** and these are excluded from the evaluation. Those flagged with a * have (GoF <0.2) and are excluded if adjacent to an excluded herd year