Country (or countries) |
United States of America |
Main trait group |
Health - Somatic Cell Score |
Breed(s) |
AYS, BSW, GUE, JER, HOL (B&W and R&W) |
Trait definition(s) and unit(s) of measurement |
Somatic Cell Score = log base 2 (SCC / 100,000) + 3; where SCC is somatic cells per milliliter. Lactation SCS is the average of test day SCS across the first 305 days of lactation. |
Method of measuring and collecting data |
Collected by Dairy Herd Improvement Associations using ICAR approved methods. |
Time period for data inclusion |
First calving 1984 and later plus pedigree from birth year 1950 and later. |
Age groups (e.g. parities) included |
First five parities are included. |
Other criteria (data edits) for inclusion of records |
Valid sire ID required. Lactations from cows >40 DIM and cows removed from the herd >15 DIM are included. TD by 90 DIM required. |
Criteria for extension of records (if applicable) |
Records < 305 d are extended to 305 d by best prediction. |
Sire categories |
AI and NS included. B&W and R&W HOL evaluated together. |
Environmental effects, pre-adjustments |
Multiplicative adjustments for age at calving, month of calving, and for differing SD by parity. |
Method (model) of genetic evaluation |
ST BLUP Repeatability Animal Model |
Environmental effects in the genetic evaluation model |
Fixed: management group (flexible herd-year-seasons), parity x age, regression on inbreeding, Random: permanent environment, and herd by sire interaction. HOL management group definition includes registry status. Published PTA includes the expected future inbreeding (EFI) multiplied by the regression coefficient as a post-processing step. |
Adjustment for heterogeneous variance in evaluation model |
None |
Use of genetic groups and relationships |
Unknown parents grouped by birth year. For cows, sires and dams grouped separately; for bulls, sires and dams together. [HOL} Canadian animals grouped separately. |
Blending of foreign/Interbull information in evaluation |
Foreign evaluations of parents are not included. |
Genetic parameters in the evaluation |
See Page 3. |
System validation |
Means and SD for all variables are calculated and examined overall. Means for new bulls, changes for high bulls, largest changes, and key statistics for recent AI bulls are checked. Genetic trends for all breeds are validated by methods 1, 2, and 3. |
Expression of genetic evaluationsIf standardised (e.g. RBV), give standardisation formula in the appendix |
Definition of genetic reference base. |
A phenotypic mean of 3 is added to PTA SCS. Current base: cows born in 2000 (stepwise, 5 year). |
Calculation of reliability |
Daughter equivalents from parents and from progeny are summed by processing progeny from the youngest to oldest generation and then parents from oldest to youngest. Starting values for mate reliability are from the previous evaluation. |
Criteria for official publication of evaluations |
At least 10 daughters with usable first lactation record. Interbull evaluations are reported as official in the US if: they include data from an additional country; the US has no evaluation; or Interbull excludes US data and the Interbull evaluation has higher reliability than the US evaluation. |
Number of evaluations / publications per year |
Four, in February, May, August, and November. |
Use in total merit index |
SCS receives 9% of the total emphasis for NM. |
Anticipated changes in the near future |
None |
Key reference on methodology applied |
Schutz, M.M 1994. Genetic evaluation of somatic cell scores for United States dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 77:2113. Schutz, M.M. P.M. Vanraden, G.R. Wiggans, and H.D. Norman. 1995. Standardization of lactation means of somatic cell scores for calculation of genetic evaluations. J. Dairy Sci. 78:1843. VanRaden, P.M. and Wiggans, G.R. 1991. Derivation, calculation, and use of national animal model information. J. Dairy Sci. 74:2737. |
Key organization: |
Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory |
Country (or countries): |
United States of America |
Main trait group: |
Health |
Breed(s): |
AYS, BSW, GUE, JER, HOL (B&W and R&W) |
Trait |
Definition |
h2 |
Genetic variance |
Official proof standardization formula |
Milk Somatic Cell Score: |
Somatic Cell Score = log base 2 (SCC / 100,000) + 3; where SCC is somatic cells per milliliter. |
.12 |
[AYS] .40 |
StandEval = PTASCS + 3 |
[BSW] .38 |
StandEval = PTASCS + 3 |
[GUE] .43 |
StandEval = PTASCS + 3 |
[HOL] .42 |
StandEval = PTASCS + 3 |
[JER] .37 |
StandEval = PTASCS + 3 |
Updated: This file last modified 02/28/24.